LDStorymakers was amazing this year. And I'm not just saying that because this is the first year I've been. I learned so much and met a lot of really awesome people. I had a great chat with Cindy M. Hogan. I had just finally been able to read her first book Watched, Thursday night. I had tried to get it before then and for some reason my purchase on Barnes and Noble didn't go through on my computer. So I bought it straight onto my Nook and read straight through. Of course, then I had to find out what happened next! So at about midnight, I bought her second book, Protected, as well and read that until almost 4:30 in the morning! I was a bit tired the next day, but it was totally worth it!
I also got to meet Dan Wells, who has been one of my top favorite authors for a couple years. I had met him before, but this time I actually got to talk with him for a little while. If you haven't read his books, I suggest you remedy that situation as soon as possible. They are all awesome! I especially love the John Cleaver series: I Am Not A Serial Killer, Mr. Monster, and I Don't Want To Kill You (which won the Whitney award Saturday night for best novel of 2011! Congrats Dan!). The psychological aspect of them fascinate me. And A Night of Blacker Darkness just made me laugh the entire time. It is a thoroughly ridiculous book, and absolutely a blast to read!
I also met Karen E. Hoover, who I have to admit (Sorry Karen) I hadn't heard of before. But I did spend a good half an hour just chatting with her, and we hit it off really well. I bought one of her books from the book store and she was kind enough to sign it for me. I look forward to reading it when I have a chance! (I can't stay up until 4:30am reading every day, as much as I would like to, my work schedule would kill me!)
Over the course of the next couple of days, I'm going to put my notes from the classes I was able to take up on here and my thoughts on those classes as well. If any of you were able to go to any classes that I wasn't, I would love to get your notes and thoughts as well!
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