Monday, April 30, 2012

Crazy Writers

Writers are crazy people. Or maybe it's just me. But I would like some really weird things to happen to me, just so I know how to write about them. A part of me would like to be shot, so so I know what it feels like (as long as it doesn't kill me). I don't drink, but a part of me would like to get drunk, just once, in case I ever need one of my characters to do so. Maybe I'll just stick to watching other people on that one. Is it really weird that I'd rather be shot than get drunk?
On the other hand, I'd really like to do some normal, if different things as well. I would like to jump out of an airplane some day. Not sure if that will ever happen, since it's expensive and SCARY! Yes, I'm a bit scared of heights. And bugs. One thing I would never want to have happen to me is to have bugs crawl all over me. I could barely watch that section of Hunger Games! Gave me the heebie jeebies.
So, am I just crazy, or am I not the only one who feels like that?

1 comment:

  1. For those of us who haven't experienced what we want to write about, it takes some research and imagination. With that combo, we write about anything. And yes, you just might be a little crazy. That's also an element to being a good writer. Good luck.
