Thursday, April 5, 2012


I must say, I hate revising and rewriting, even though I know I will like the results better than what's currently on the page. That's probably why I'm stalling so badly. Anyone have any ideas on how to keep yourself motivated? I've always been really bad at that, but I'm working on being better.
I have been reading a lot lately, though, which is so nice. Work has been really busy and it's always great to curl up on my bed and read a good book. Unfortunately, it's getting difficult to find one that I haven't already read that looks good. Suggestions?
I need to start writing my next book, which is currently title Dimensions, though it might not stay that way. My mom loves the story idea and has been bugging me to write it. I just have to work out the plot the rest of the way in my head.
Anyway, that is the random rantings of Jae Randall today. Pretty short, but then, my brain isn't up for much more right now.

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